AMSOIL Synthetic Oil

AMSOIL is the original synthetic engine oil company.


There are several ways to start your Amsoil Dealership.

- $95 for a twelve-month registration , Business Manual, and Literature Pack.
- $65 for a twelve-month registration and Business Manual. (Suggested for new
- $30 for a twelve-month registration and Starter Kit
- $15 for a six-month registration and Starter kit.

With either the $15 or $30 registration, a new Dealer receives the starter kit, which includes information on the basics of starting and running the business. For example, the starter kit includes documents on how to start your business, marketing information, price lists, product catalogs, forms, and a host of other information. The starter kit will do just that, get the dealer started with a base level understanding of how the business works. It is recommended that any new Dealer register with the $65, twelve-month option, which includes the G-700 Business Manual. This package of documents covers the entire business program:

- Detailed information on implementing and utilizing each business model.
- Product price lists for each business model, including Dealer, Retail on the Shelf, and Commercial pricing.
- Product, literature, and promotional catalogs for the Dealer.

The other cost a new Dealer may choose to incur is listed as an option on the
Registration Application. The optional cost is $30 for a G-1312 Literature Pack. This pack is recommended by AMSOIL for all new dealers. The literature pack has information on nearly every product AMSOIL has available for the dealer. It would only make sense for a Dealer to have this packet if he expects to be successful in conducting his business. You must know the products in order to sell them.

Next steps to become a dealer;

Phone; To become an Amsoil Dealer simply call 1-800-956-5695, and tell the phone operator you would like to become an Amsoil Dealer. You will need your VISA card number handy when you call. When the operator asks for your Customer Number tell them: 313120.

Online; Use this link to request information. This is the easiest; it's a quick online form.

Mail in form  Click on this link to open a .pdf form that you can fill out and mail in to to get your Amsoil Dealership set up. This is the quickest. You can also fill this out and have it handy when you call Amsoil so you have all of the information needed while on the phone.

Email me if you have any questions or need any help.




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